.apk File


apkFile.com - download Android apk files free full version apps.

Downloading and Installing APK files in Your Google Android Phones is so Easy!

Finally, here's a phone that's not afraid to develop outside the box! Google's choice to keep their Android OS Open-Source is certainly affecting the market. Most of the apps for Google Android phones can be found in the Google market. Installing these apps into your Google Android phones is very easy. Just go to the icon in your home screen labelled Market, search for an app that catches your eye, and download it.

However, there can be times when you'll find yourself looking for apps that may not have been developed fully for Market yet. While majority of the apps can be found in Google Market, there are still some nice apps that can only be found off-Market. You'll eventually encounter them when you look for them in the internet. This is the time when you might find that the Market may not be big enough to meet your needs. The next logical step is to learn more about these apps, and how you can use them to your advantage.

If you didn't know, and you've been looking at your Google Android phones' file manager, you might be wondering what those files with the weird *.APK extensions are. Those are the compressed files that, once executed, will immediately unload their files into your phone for use. In other words, these are the files you need to install the apps you want. All Google Android phones are equipped to run these files, you won't have to worry. Whether you're going getting them from Market or installing these APK files through other means such as file managers or APK installers through your PC's, you'll see that it's actually easy.

Now, to install these apps into your Android phone, you'll need other apps such as file managers. You can download some popular ones such as ES or Astro File Manager, which let you explore your phone more. (Also, they're easily available in Market!) Once you're finished, you can simply look for your APK file and choose it, which will then decompress the file and install the app you want to use into your phone. If your phone isn't set to accept a third-party application, just go to the Settings menu and check Manage Applications, where you have to toggle the choice that allows your Google Android phones to accept installation of non-Market applications. It's that simple!

Be careful when you're installing some APK's though! If you're worried about your privacy, be vigilant about checking which services these apps have the power to modify or to analyse. Before these APK's install, you can read the information about the services they have access to. However, most of the apps in Google Market are currently very safe, and you don't really have to worry about anyone getting information that you don't want. Still, better safe than sorry! Google Android phones are becoming more popular nowadays, and with more apps now sprouting from the Market and off-Market, you can be sure that apps in your phone will help improve your life!

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If you have a limited Android Market / Play Store you can download the apk files here.


